FUNNY JOKE>>Another Jewish mother classic joke

The first Jewish President of the United States is elected. The night before the inauguration he calls his mother. “Mom, I’d love for you to come visit and stay with me during the inauguration and for a few days.” “Oh I don’t know, airfare is so expensive these days.” “Mom, I’ll fly you out on … Read more

FUNNY JOKE>>A joke from before WW1

A joke from before WW1 A Polish officer on a short leave is approached by a young lady who invites him to spend the night with her. In the morning, she sees him dressing up and ready to leave “Honey! What about the money?” Surprised, he answers “Mam, a gentleman never takes money from a … Read more

FUNNY JOKE>>Teacher asks class to use the work “definitely” in a sentence.

Teacher asks class to use the work “definitely” in a sentence. Susie starts: “The sky is definitely blue”. Teacher: “Well, that’s not always true, sometimes it’s cloudy and grey”. David says: “The grass is definitely green”. Teacher: “Sometimes, if it’s not watered, grass turns brown. Finally, Johnny says: “Are farts lumpy?” Teacher: “No” Johnny: “Then … Read more

FUNNY JOKE>>That one inch…

That one inch… A man is bragging to his wife in front of the mirror: “If my shoulders were 1 inch wider, I’d be like Schwarzenegger!” “Yeah, yeah…” “And if my biceps were 1 inch bigger, I’d be like Stallone!” “Yeah, yeah… And if your penis were 1 inch shorter, you’d be like Madonna.”